Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

To start the process of seeking compensation for a mesothelioma client,  begins with a brief introductory meeting. During this meeting, an attorney from  will outline the various steps of the legal process; address any questions or concerns you may have related to the legal process; and discuss the ways in which a mesothelioma client has been exposed to asbestos.
After this introductory meeting,  will work on your behalf to collect all diagnosing medical reports from the medical facilities where you were treated. Before a mesothelioma lawsuit is filed,  performs a thorough work history investigation of the diagnosed party.  will collect work history records, including, union records, military service records and other documents to substantiate employment history. In addition to interviewing the mesothelioma client,  will also identify any potential family members, co-workers, and other product identification witnesses who can assist in providing details about the work history and potential asbestos exposure in the case.
After we have completed a thorough product identification and work history investigation, our next step is to identify potential recoveries through asbestos trusts. A number of companies have admitted past asbestos liability and have set up asbestos trusts to compensate mesothelioma clients who present qualifying claims.  is familiar with these asbestos trusts and their requirements for successful claims submission. For the most part, compensation through these trusts happens relatively quickly assuming your particular case meets each trust’s exposure criteria.